Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Frogs bounce house and babyshowers:)

 Cant believe she is going to be 15 months on the 18th!  Love her:)
 Baby Violet
 Today my mom and her daycare kiddos and Selah and I all headed to Frogs bounce house in Fountain valley. Really cool concept.  It is literally a huge warehouse with tons of different bounce houses and toys for the lil ones!  Selah loves it there, so we try to frequent it at least once a week
 She is sooo into the Nickolodean tv show called Yo gabba gabba.  Like so into it that when she wakes up in the morning she is singing the theme song and when she goes to bed she HAS to have a babba and lay down with her nite nite and watch her favorite "dance" episode.  I may be creating a monster! haha
 This past Friday we celebrated Erin and her newborn baby Preston.  We were meaning to have a baby shower BEFORE the baby , but due to complications Erin had him at 37 weeks.  So to make sure she was showered with love and gifts we threw her a mini shower after the baby was born!  This is the cake made by twins that work at Trader joes with us.  It was red velvet and to die for!!! yummy!  You can see more at their website, Twinfully sweet.

 This is my managers son, Nathan.  He is 4., and all Selah wanted to do was hold his hand all night:)
 Grandma and Selah in the bounce house
 Nathans little sister, Emma
 Selah new favorite book that greatgrandma Arnold got for her.  She makes me read it 38,273 times a day:)
I may have to "lose" it:)

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