Monday, August 30, 2010

Camping and crawling!

Selah excited for the hike. Sitting in the kelty babckpack we got at a yardsale for $20!
The boys and their can tell they are brothers!;)

Us on the one and only hike we went on

Beautiful sunset. Perfect way to end the day

This past weekend we went camping in Wrightwood. About and hour and a half from home...more like 3 hrs in traffic though! We got there late friday night, and I promptly went to bed because it was super windy! Woke up the next morning to the weather still being poopy (windy and cold). So pretty much just hunkered down in the rv! Mogli really enjoyed himself too. He is definently an awesome camping dog. He did not have to be on a leash all weekend. He just ki nda wandered off for a lil bit and then come running back. We went with Steve, Kelly and their 3 kids. Mike and his two boys and a mutual friend Scott and his son. Great times and looking forward to our next camping adventure in two weeks! We are going up the coast to El Capitan state park.
Oh and I almost forgot to add......Selah is crawling!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Catching up

A little while back I went to the pool with some friends (Katie and Jack and Heidi and her daughter Koral) I took a lot of pictures and then I forgot to post pictures! Here are a few!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

All better!

munching on spaghetti for the first time
Beach bum
Some tie dye we did last week for Selah

Yes! She is feeling 100%! Having a sick baby is no bueno! Lazy weekend this week. Just relaxed with the hubby and baby and today I had work so Greg was on full time daddy duty. After I got off from a fairly easy day Greg's sister, Julie called and meet us down at the beach with her family. Beautiful day! Took some cute pictures of Selah enjoying the ocean breeze. Been busy getting together ideas and stuff for Selahs one year Birthday. I would like to just have a quiet birthday with just Greg and I but sooooo many people want to celebrate it so I decided to go ALL out! I am pretty positive we are going to have it at the local park here in Huntington Beach (Lake park off 11th st) We are going to rent out the clubhouse. I am getting a "taco guy" to prepare, cook and serve the food, a bounce house with a slide, and a hula instuctor to teach the lil ones how to hula! I have a good friend at work who is a professional photographer to come a document the day too! So excited yet not looking forward to the crazy planning and effort it takes to accomplish a party! Wish me luck!

Friday, August 20, 2010

If your happy and you know it...

The rash is slowly disappearing which means the nightmare of roseola is almost over! Thank goodness! She still is not herself. Not eating much solids and pretty whiny. Just wants to be held most of the day. Not fun for me!!! laundry is building up and the kitchen floor looks like 100 football players walking in with their cleats! I have not worked in week! Nice, but I am slowly going a little stir crazy in the house.
On a good note Selah clapped on demand for the first time today!! When Greg sings, "If your happy and you know it clap your hands..." She claps! I have video proof! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First ER visit

Selah had been running a fever since Sunday night. Last night around 3am we got a little wake up call from lil miss Selah. She definitely did not feel like herself. So we took a rectal reading. Woowza a 103.3!!!! Got dressed in a jiffy and heading over to Talbert medical center where she was also born. 2 hours and $100 later we were told to go home and return if the temp went back up. Oh and I forgot to add she threw up all over Greg:) He smiled through the whole thing...such a good daddy:) Today her fever was back to 102.1 so I drew her a luke warm bath and we played in it for about 30 mins and also took some tylenol. Cross your fingers the evil fever doesnt come back!Oh and would you hurry and break through Selahs little teeth!! Well that doesnt sound right but you know what I mean:)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Crying it out

In a previous post I wrote about how we were trying Crying it out (CIO) with Selah. Well I'm happy to report that for the past 2 weeks it has been going great!!!
On tues we had a bonfire at the beach with the entire Smith clan. Hotdogs and marshmallows! to The water was cold, but all the kiddos were in the water having a blast. We brought the motorhome down so that Kelly and the babies had a place to get away from the cold and wind. Looking forward to tomorrow night!It is Robbies birthday and we are going Lucilles.......mmmmmm:)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ssssshhhhhh Its a secret!

Just got home from spending 3 hours in a department store with all of Selahs cousins. All 18 of them! Call us crazy! Since Scotta nd his family are in town ( Gregs brother from Montana) We decided to get the little ones together for a nice gift for our mother in law, Jan. I know she reads my blog, so I cant say what we did so I hope she likes the outcome!

Selah is now clapping her hands together, putting her self to sleep and drinking from a sippy cup! Becoming such a big girl! And for everybody asking about how CIO is doing.....its been going well. I just nurse in the bed and she either just rolls over and puts her paci in her mouth, or she whines for about 5-10 minutes and then slowly falls to sleep. Lately she has taken to sleeping on her tummy so I dont know if that has anything to do with it?

Well looking forward to tomorrow! Another busy day. Oil change, goodwill shopping with my mom, pool time with friends, and ending the day at the beach for a bonfire! Whew! Wish me good luck. Enjoy the pictures:)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long time no write

Sorry I have not posted in a long time. Summer time is busy for the Smiths! Where should I begin? Ahhh my mom turned 47 on July 29. We celebrated by going to breakfast, followed by some pool time and lunch. Selahs friend koral stopped by too. We haven't seen her in about 2 months! Boy does time fly by quickly! Koral is now crawling around and pulling herself up. Hopefully Selah is right around the corner! Greg's oldest brother is in town from Montana, visiting with his wife Patty and there 4 kids, Amber, Josh, Nigel, and Alan.
Since our long lost sister in law was in town my other sister in laws and I got together on wed and had a girls night out. So much fun! We went out for dinner at Lucilles and then to see the movie Salt. Nice to get away from the babies and the husbands:) And now to the most recent. Yesterday we went to Chino Hills and got together with the Smiths and had a pool/bbq party. I took a ton of pictures. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!